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Home Party Dinsdagavond
Lily's HappyHouse Home Party dinsdagavond met anti-aging gelaatsverzorging 
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SOLADEY Bestellen
Soladey's, zeer milieu-vriendelijk! Geschikt voor homeopathie!  Met plezier versturen wij naar NEDERLAND en LUXEMBURG via de post.  Een Soladey tandenborstel kost 20 euro; een verpakking van...
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Over ons

Who are we?  Sometimes a volunteer, sometimes a student, sometimes a dental assistant. Usually we are me, myself and I, aka Liliana Van Elslander.

I am an American, living in Belgium. I have been actively involved with oral care since 1972, when I first started my dental studies here in Belgium. I graduated in 1978 and had an exclusive holistic private practice for many years. Hence my interest in maintaining oral hygiene, as it is of the utmost importance in maintaining good general health.

I started my non - profit, HappyHouse vzw, to promote beautiful smiles as a doorway to good health. This was the best way  I could think of to put the knowledge I have acquired through the years to good use. It is also a great way of staying involved in the profession I love.

I'll get to the Flemish translation later.  Vlaamse versie moet nog komen.